Sunday, January 31, 2010

The beauties across the Pond...


My future job! :)

I spent another amazing day in the heart of England this Saturday, and it was amazing! For the first time since I have been here, the sky was clear of heavy clouds, and a beautiful shade of blue was everywhere! Heather and I met up at the train station, and headed straight towards a museum she had heard a lot about, the Imperial War Museum. What is strange, is that it wasn't in any of my traveling books and I hadn't heard of it. But I am so thankful Heather had, because it was amazing!! 

The Imperial War Museum goes through all the wars that Britain has been part of. It was really interesting because I just traveled to DC with Dan in the summer, so I was able to see the same war from another perspective. Also, starting this week I am full time teaching a history class discussing the Cold War. My first lesson is the Truman Doctrine :) 

A real canon! Serious

This statue was gorgeous. It is to represent all the lives of children lost during the War, especially during the Blitz. 

This is an actual statue from Germany that has been brought to England. If you look closely, you see can actual bullet holes and dents in the statue. 

From the Imperial War Museum, we headed to the Tower of London. We grabbed an amazing lunch, then took off!

The Tower of London is so freaking awesome! You go through an everyday English neighborhood, then turn the corner to a massive castle! 
Here is the castle! We didn't get there in time to go inside, so we are going to head back next week. But it was amazing nonetheless. 

After that, we went to The Monument. This monument is to honor those that perished during the Great London Fire. 

After the Monument, we walked over the St. Paul's Cathedral! The church is beyond huge, with a beautiful dome right in the middle.  
The church was closing about 10 minutes after we got there, so we only made it to the front door. I was quite bitter about it, so I tried to break in :)
No such luck :( Since when do I have to break into a church!?

From there, Heather and I decided to see how long the line was for the London Eye. The London Eye is ALWAYS busy, and today was no exception. With over an hour wait, we decided to walk alongside the river, and enjoy the beautiful day. Heather has an amazing camera that has a whole bunch of special tools, so she managed to great the great sunset in the pics. If you click on the pictures themselves, you can get a better version of the picture :)

Guess this will have to do for now!!

The sunset was beautiful! 

Live. Laugh. Love.


  1. Awww!!! What a great synopsis of the day!!!! It was a PERFECT day to wander around London town. ;) Can't wait for next weekend!

  2. Meow.

    Awesome photos! What a cool adventure. And very cool that you went to Washington DC then London so soon, to see different perspectives!


    - Rusty

  3. Jamie- It is so fun to read your blog and live a bit vicariously through you! It seems like forever since I did my student teaching but I remember how hard I worked! Very cool that you are teaching an art class too! I almost cried reading about your students greeting you and thanking you for teaching them. Our students in the States have no idea. A 7th grade boy did call me an "art goddess" yesterday though... continue having fun and seeing all that you can see!

  4. by the way... tj is traci mcgowan in case you didn't figure that out!
