Sunday, January 10, 2010

London Take II

Ahh, another day in the beautiful city of London! I got on the bus towards London around 9:30, and got there right around 10:30. Today was just Heather and I, as the other two girls had seen a lot of what we wanted to see for today. We managed to get ourselves to Westminster Church, which is above! It was in service so we couldn't go inside, hopefully I will be able to next time!

Here is me the first few minutes back into London for the day. To the right is Westminster Church, and straight behind me is Big Ben!

We passed this on our way to get lunch, and Heather and I decided we would both really like to see The Lion King musical! We are going to see it next saturday!!

Here I am with my first meal of Fish and Chips! Very exciting! We were in an adorable little pub, so it was a great experience.

This is one serving of fish and chips! I barely was able to finish half!!

I of course loved the chips. The fish really wasn't bad, it was just a lot of fish! I think I enjoy smaller chunks of fish, so there is more bread on each bite :)

This is the great station at the heart of London that takes me to where I am living in Dorking


 Interesting note I learned today: In America, we have dollars, but slang for dollars is a buck. We would easily say, "I have 5 bucks." Well, I learned in England they have the same slang for their pound, which is quid. So today at the resturant I ate at, he asked for 5 quid. Haha, it took me a moment to realize he still meant pounds. Although it sounds nothing like pound, it's their slang for pound. Buck really sounds nothing like dollar either though... Interesting...

So, my favorite place so far is Buckingham Palace, where the Queen resides. The flag was up today, which meant that the Queen was in England. Also another interesting note is that you are able to tour Buckingham Palace, but when the Queen is present, no one is allowed in. Luckily for us, the Queen blessed us with her prescence, but unfortunately that meant we were unable to tour the palace.

Buckingham Palace is amazing. By far my favorite spot in London, as it should be, it's for the Queen!

Statue outside Buckingham Palace

Just one of the many entrances into Buckingham Palace

One of the guards protecting Buckingham Palace!! So cute!

What a day! I am exhausted after two full days of London, but it was so rewarding! Tomorrow starts a new week at school, and after only seeing it in service for one day, I feel like its my first day all over again! I am excited to start to learn techniques and the ways of my school! I can hardly believe that on Wednesday, I will have been here for 2 weeks already!

I'm going to try to get some pictures of student's uniforms this week for you all, you have to see how cute they look!

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