Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Snow Day!

Last night around 6:00pm, it started snowing pretty heavy. Woke up this morning to school cancelled, and about 6 inches of snow! Had to take a walk around town and get some great photos of the white scenery! Here is my favorite house in town, it's huge!

I walked into the main market to see this this, along with these shelves:

Pretty darn empty!

The main church in town! Beautiful!!

It's backwards, but it says "Dorking Market" and looking through it is the big park in the middle of town!

Those little dots are children and parents sledding down the hills in the park

Came to a pond, and look at all of those ducks! This woman was giving them about 6 loaves of bread!

Lake is frozen over, but the birds don't mind :)

Good painting, I should have bought it for Chris, but it was 250 pounds!

Pretty cold outside!

Also, just received word that school is closed tomorrow again due to the weather. Looks like another sleep-in day!


  1. JAMIE <3
    Super jealous! Looks amazing and freezing and SOO great xxooxo


  2. Great pictures Jamie, so sorry you have to sleep in again.

  3. Hi Jamie, That last comment was from me. I'm a goof ball.
