Sunday, January 3, 2010

A tad bit more eventful..

So today was much better than yesterday. Although I am still struggling with sleeping (I can't fall asleep until late, around 1:30am, and then I sleep too late), I seem to be doing much better.

Today I was able to walk around a bit and see part of the town. On Sundays, shops are only allowed to be opened until 3 (which I didn't know) so I will have to go back next weekend to get the full view of the town.

My first red telephone booth! I was soo excited! Hence the below pictures:

I was so happy to finally see such a trademark of England!

It's pretty cold outside, around -2c, which is only about 28 degrees. The wind is the biggest difference though, they have freezing wind!

I managed to make it to the train station, and buy a student travel card. It will get me 1/3 discounts on all train tickets I buy, and I will be buying one for London on Saturday!

The big square is main London, and that circle near the bottom is me! It's blurry, but its only about 7 stops away from London, or about 1 hour.

Finally, I managed to get pictures of the neighborhood I live in, as well as the house!

Tomorrow is a big day, my first day of student teaching! Wish me luck!


  1. I luv your little blog, this is going to be awesome. I'm trying to label my comments, but most of the ones that are anonymous are me so far! I luv you and miss you! Take care and keep on blogging!!! ~Jessica

  2. jamie, this blog is totally cool, I am so envious of your being in my home country, beswt of luck on your first day

  3. That's awesome that you are so close to London. I wish I could be there!
