Thursday, January 28, 2010

The small things in life!

Today I am appreciating the small things of my life. During the weeks, it is easy for me to get caught up with school, and I sometimes forget how amazing this experience is.

Student teaching is intense. I have officially taken over a class full time, while still observing about 6 other lessons a day. The class I have taken over is adorable. They are Year 7A (7 representing the grade they are in, and A representing the 'level' they are. Highest is A, and lowest is C. The students are placed into these sets, and are expected different things depending on their set.) They are only 11, and come in wearing cute little uniforms. Before they sit down in class, they have to say, "Good morning, Miss Daniels" And, as a first for a teacher, the students say, "Thank you Miss" when they leave the classroom. (Thanks for me teaching them!) A-dor-able...

Here is a picture completed out of jelly beans... awesome...

Here is amazing-ness that was sent to my house from Grandma. She brilliantly sent me a whole entire package of goodies! Such a blessing, for so many reasons, reasons you need to know. :)
 A) Food (actually, everything) is so expensive here! I know it cost a lot for her to ship, but I guarantee it was cheaper than it would have cost me to buy all of it here
B) What she sent me, I can't find here. I am getting used to some things, like the massive amount of baked beans the British eat, but something things never change. And if you know me, you know I am picky. Hence the pasta sides and nutty bars Grandma sent me. She knows me too well :)
C) Love from home. I literally got teary-eyed when I got a package. It could have been empty, but having something from home was heavy on the heart. I even smelt it, and minus the food, there was still a linger of Grandma in it.
D) Dan sent me 6 (!) DVDs with the package as well of American TV shows. In the UK, you can't stream ANY tv shows online, because of the US policies. So, Dan sent me 3 seasons of One Tree Hill, and a few others that I have deliciously been eating up

Here is my drawing of a still-life that I created in my Art club. I am officially involved with another activity, (including Girl Sports on Tuesdays, Weight training on Wednesdays, and Drama on Fridays!) I am now the leader of the art club on wednesday mornings! Our first lesson, we pasted a whole bunch of candies (they call them sweets) onto cardboard. The students had to draw the sweets from a random angle. I decided to join in on the fun :)

I miss everyone dearly!

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