Saturday, January 2, 2010

The aftermath of a 29 hour flight....

Well... My jetlag finally hit me, and boy did it hit me ever. I woke up around 3:00 with a terrible stomachache. After wasting hours online, and trying to take medicine to calm my tummy down, I eventually found myself head first into a garbage can (unfortunately more than once too). Last I remember it was about 8:30, and my brain finally let me collapse. I woke up around 1, and managed a few more sleeps in throughout the day. I was able to eat dinner, and drank some hot tea. Hoping to make it through the night with no aches, and hopefully that was the worst of the jet lag. I'm not sure I can handle much more without being home and able to yell for my dad ;)

Hopefully tomorrow will be much more pleasant, I am in England after all! :)

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