Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, today was another snow day in school... So much for coming here to teach! I have had one day of teacher meetings, one day of school, and three days of snow!

Although I am sure most teacher loved the days off, I found myself quite lonely here by myself. Not to get sappy, but it really made me homesick just sitting at home and not keeping busy. On Wednesday, I took a great walk, but the evening and all day Thursday were very quiet and lonely. After taking a long shower and talking to good friends online, I promised myself I wasn't going to let me be alone today.

I woke up at 8, and hopped on the bus to school. Even though school is closed, there are about 180 boarders that live there full-time, so I thought I would stop in and say Hi. I managed to get there in time for breakfast, and spent several hours hanging out with other staff members and boarders. I met GAP students (In Britain, and several other countries,  its common in between high school and college to take a year off and travel, do community work, or other things. They call this a gap, hence the term GAP students) The GAP students at Box Hill School are great, two are from Australia, and one is from South Africa. They are about 18, and were great to hang out with.

I then spent quite some time getting back home, some of the buses don't run because of the snow so I had to walk until I found one that was working. I managed to get home, and ran back into town for paper and a binder for school. Came back, ate dinner, chated on Skype for a bit, and am now sitting here!

Tomorrow is a great day, my first journey to London! My placement supervisor, the big guru Paula, and four other student teachers around London will all be meeting up at the train station tomorrow at 11. Paula is going to be taking us all over, and showing up the ropes of London! Don't forget to take a look tomorrow, I promise great photos are in store!!

In the meantime, here are just some photos I took today while walking:

The amazing church next to the school. The boarders attend Church on Sundays. This is the Church of England, not to be confused with a Catholic Church. When Henry the IV asked for a divorce from his wife Catherine, Pope Clement refused. With years of fighting, Henry split from the church and was regonised (notice spelling!) as the supreme head of the Church of England. Hundreds of people are buried all over, and in, this church, its quite honorable.

Close up of the church, isn't that beautiful!?

This is The White Horse, the main pub in town. I love the history behind this pub. Notice the large parkway in the middle? This was because in the 1800's travelers would bring their horse carriages through that walkway, and leave their horses in stables around back! The entry is big enough for carriages, which is quite massive, and they haven't changed a thing! I am hoping to sit down for a drink on Sunday in here :)

Here I am FREEZING outside of the church! Notice all the snow still! It was -5c when I woke up this morning!!

I will get London photos on here asap tomorrow!!


  1. ohmygod that picture of you is SUPER adorable <3

  2. These are the images that come into my mind upon hearing "Winter Wonderland." Very nice.
