Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Box Hill School!!

Well friends, I am beyond excited to share with you details about my school. I may get nerdy and do "school talk" here, so just ignore what you wish.

Box Hill School is beyond breathetaking. It was built in the 1800's, and is a international boarding school. There are about 400 students, some of which are boarders who travelled here from a long distance, and some are day students who are from London. It amazes me where students come from; they have several students from China, Japan, Australia, Peru, New Zealand, and Spain. (Sadly, there are none from America) The students have to wear uniforms, and I will really have to get a picture of a full get-up! Girls have to wear button up shirts, pleated skirts, tights, and mary janes. Boys have to wear button up shirts, green pants, and green jackets. They sure do look fancy!

My first two days have been intense, but exciting. The schedule for Box Hill is insane, and it based on a timetable made in the beginning of the quarter. Pretty much there are 7 periods in a day, but that includes activities and tutor groups. Teachers are responsible for A LOT of stuff in the school, and they wear many hats. For example, my teacher teaches 6 different sets of classe (like for real, all different age groups and subjects) as well as is the headmaster for one of the dorms, is the public speaking club leader, and has weekend duty with the dorms. All the teachers are that busy too! It's quite impressive... Being English of course, we have a 15 minute break for tea and buscuits in the morning, as well as 1 hour lunch break where the school provides lunch, catered for all students and staff.

Since I am endorsed in English and Social Studies, I am observing several different teachers teaching several different topics. My supervisor, Themla, teaches 7th grade. (keep in mind, British have their children start 1st grade at age 5, so think of each UK grade as one below US) I will be taking over her class full time by the end of the student teaching. I am also observing a 7th grade history course, a 10th grade english class, a 12 grade english class, and a 10th grade history class. Mind you, they have those classes 3 times a week, so i am going to all classes, 3 times a week... Bit insane...

One more cool note about the grades and system. British students have grades 7-13. High school is considered 7-11 and then they can receive a certificate. However, if they want to attend college, they must stay in school for grades 12-13 and go through International Baccalaureate (IB). IB is like AP in America on drugs... It is INTENSE! I observed a 12 grade english class today, and felt like I was in college. ..

As well as teaching, teachers are required to sign up for duties and activities throughout the school, which includes me!  Although I mentioned my interests were arts, music, and reading, I was signed up for some random stuff! I think they are really short on some activities, and I was the perfect person for the job. I was signed up for Tuesday Girl Sports, Wednesday Weight Lifting, and Friday Drama Club.... If you know me at all, you probably know all three of those are pretty out of my league. But i'll manage, i'll pretend I know exactly what I am doing :)

I also got duties while I student teaching. I will be on duty for tutor groups and rounds in the 7th grade boys dorm, St. Nick's. I have to make sure no one leaves, gets hurt, or breaks anything. The boys are around Matthew's age though, so hopefully they will have kind manners and be easygoing.

Alright, I certainly saved the best for last!! Here are some photos I managed to take this morning:

This is the entrance to the school!

The front door!! So castle-ish!

A wider picture of the front of the school!

A picture of the back of the main building. Take note of the icy grass, it was -5 all day :(

Isn't it beautiful!!


  1. Ahahaha..."Tuesday Girl Sports, Wednesday Weight Lifting, and Friday Drama Club". Haha...Jamie...weight lifting. I love that.

    Good luck, Jamie. This sounds cool! I love these photos...it really DOES look like Harry Potterland. Thanks for the photos, that place looks incredible.

  2. Oh my gosh! Your school is amazing! And your assignments/responsibilities are incredible. You'll certainly get a lot of experience! :D
