Friday, February 19, 2010

This week in slow motion...

Well folks, I am back! (clarification: back to London, England)  Instead of wrapping my whole trip into one post, I thought I would take you through city by city, and experience it fully with tons of pictures :)

On Saturday morning I took off for Bath, England. Bath is about 2 hours west of central London, and is one of the most ancient cities in England. At the heart of Bath lay the remains of the oldest Roman Baths in the world. The bath was used by Roman nearly 2000 years ago, and was the temple of Minerva. The city itself is very English, with beautiful buildings everywhere. The day consisted of seeing the whole city, and we stayed in a hostel for the night. Technically, we saw Stonehenge on the same day, as it is about an hour drive away from Bath. But for posts sake, I will save that for the next one. Bath is too pretty to simplify it for you. 

This is Bath Abbey, a church founded in the 7th century! 

Another view of Bath Abbey. The church is massive, and has great gothic features. 

This is the Pulteney Bridge and the Weir. The view here was breathtaking. 

Bath is full of tiny alleys and walkways for people to walk down. Being a major tourist attraction, there are tons of little shops and sites down every walkway. 

This is called the Royal Crescent, which has over 30 residential houses. The crescent was built in 1764, and is said to be the best depiction of Georgian architecture in England. 

 I was very excited to find a Charles Dickens statue. :)

From here, we went into the location of the Roman Baths. The Bath are a Heritage Site of England, and were amazing. Never before have I been able to picture so vividly the life of the Romans during this time. They considered the Baths to be spiritual, and had certain baths designed simply for their gods. Other baths were used to cleanse themselves, and be rejuvenated in their faith. 

This is the Sacred Spring, in the very heart of the Roman Bath site. The spring is the only hot spring in England. It holds more than a million litres of naturally hot water that have been bubbling up from underground for several centuries. 

Here I am trying the mineral water from the actual spring itself! It was gross water, but I certainly felt rejuvenated afterwards :)

The Pump Room, which is a resturant that overlooks the Roman Baths were quite pretty as well. After drinking the mineral water, I felt... well.. pumped! 

Bath was amazing, and not to underplay any of the other cities, I believe it was my favorite city that I visited this week. The sites and history involved with Bath is incredible, and the Roman Baths were splendid. 

Tomorrow's Post: Stonehenge!!

1 comment:

  1. I LUV each and every one of your posts. It is the next best thing to being with you. I lUV that you put the history and other fun facts in as you go. We're SUCH NERDS! I lUV it! Can't wait to read more about your trip. Sounds so amazing so far. I LUV Bath, a place I might never have heard of, but would Luv to visit!
