Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back to School...

Day 3: University of Oxford!! 

In front of the main door to the University of Oxford!! 

The University of Oxford is THE oldest surviving university of the English-Speaking world! How amazing is that?!? When discussing with Heather our trip, I begged her to let me visit Oxford, because my love of education and colleges has never left me. We entered Oxford and went straight to our hostel. 

Staying in hostels was interesting. For the majority, the hostels were reasonably clean and very well priced. The only negative to staying in hostels is that it is almost a guarantee that you will be woken up in the night by your roommates. Some people would stay out till the bars closed, then barge in at 2am, waking everyone up. But, for only about 8 pounds a night, you can't complain. Here was our hostel in Oxford, which was very nice. 

I dropped my stuff out, and immediately headed out into the city!! I was beyond excited to see Oxford!! To explain the city a little bit, the University of Oxford is split into 17 (!) different colleges, all around Oxford. So while walking down a street, you all of a sudden find one of the departments! 

This was the entrance to the Oxford Castle, which was amazing! 

To the right was my hostel, to the left was the city. In the middle, was adorable-ness.

Look closely. The name was a little familiar :)

My first department I found was the history department! Lucky!

This is one of the main entrances into the University of Oxford! 

How beautiful! Can you imagine going to school here?!

Just to give you an idea of some of the brains and talents that have attended the University of Oxford: 
Authors: C.S. Lewis, J. R. Tolkein, Percy Shelley (!), Lewis Carroll, and Oscar Wilde
Economists & Philosophers: John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith
Scientists: Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins, Tim Berners-Lee
Actors: Hugh Grant, Kate Beckinsale

This was the English Department. Of course I would find the two departments that I would be involved in if I went to Oxford.

A beautiful church in the middle of town

This was the Queen's College. By far the nicest building in Town, as it should be ;)

One of my favorite buildings: The Museum of Oxford. Very interesting, and made me want to apply for a janitor job just so I could stay in the building. 

My favorite building of the town: of course, the library
There were so many books!!!

From here, I decided to trespass into some dorms so I could visualize my dream life attending Oxford. 
This is the entrance to one of the dorms. Note that tiny white sign in front: it says, Do not enter unless student with ID. oops...

"I am in the dorms of the University of Oxford!"

Students live HERE!! 

Can you believe it? 
Their cute little courtyard. 

VERY happy to pretend I was a student for the day!

I felt smarter the minute I left Oxford. :)

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