Saturday, February 20, 2010

Not just rocks...

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Although I received quite a few comments that Stonehenge was uneventful or under-stimulating, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see Stonehenge myself. There is a cute travel bus that picks you up directly from Bath, and takes you to Stonehenge. The drive is about an hour, then they give you an hour at Stonehenge, then an hour back. 

Stonehenge is one of the most famous sites in the world, and literally in the middle of nowhere. All surrounding the rocks are sheep and beautiful pastures of local farmers. I am sure most of you have seen pictures of Stonehenge, but there is nothing like seeing it in person. As a future history teacher, words can't describe how fascinating seeing the rocks were in real life. 

Who wouldn't want to hold history in their hands? :)

Archaeologists believe that the stones were erected around 2500 BC!! Along with the rocks, there are burial mounds all around the stones, where the Celtics were buried centuries back. Also, the mystery behind some of the crop circles are formed close to Stonehenge. The crop circles apparently formed in under 30 minutes, and are still (although heavily debated) unknown about their origin. 

It was very cold at the location, mainly because it is in the middle of nowhere with flat plains surrounding it. But definitely worth a couple frozen fingers. 

Another awesome part of the trip, which unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of, was the Westbury White Horse. Here is a picture I found online of it: 
See the horse off in the distance? That horse is a hill figure said to have been there for centuries. A white horse was a standard image for the Saxons during the Dark Ages, as well as a heraldic symbol associated with the British Royal Family. The eye of the horse alone can fit 20 people into it. There are 4 other chalk hill carvings surrounded England. The view of the horse is seen on the freeway on the way to Stonehenge!

How pure and majestic is this view? Amazing....

Needless to say, my journey to Stonehenge was wonderful. Believe me when I say, they are just not rocks....

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