Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eat, Drink, and Breathe Ireland :)

Cheers from Dublin, Ireland!

From Liverpool, I caught a plane to Dublin, Ireland for only 8 pounds, can you believe it?! Upon arriving, we headed to our hostel which was right in the middle of the Temple Bar, the center of Dublin! We woke up early, and headed out to the city! 

Amazing-ness is what we saw the minute we left our hostel. This is the view directly from our street the hostel is located on! The river you are seeing is called River Liffey, and is directly in the middle of Dublin!

It was much warmer than in London, but still enough for a coat on. But the sky was so clear the whole time we were there, which you don't get too often in London! 

This is the a beautiful church!! We didn't get to go inside because it was closed, but the architecture was still enjoyable!

Me outside the church. :)

Typical Ireland I suppose. I love this. 

This made me incredibly homesick....

Then, we turned around a seemingly normal corner, and had arrived at... 

Isn't it massive?! 

The church inside of the Castle. 

Also, the world famous "Doors of Dublin!"

After hours of shopping and walking around, we finally settled down in a pub to listen to some Irish music, and I ordered my first (and last!) Guinness. Guinness is a highly popular Irish drink that originated in Dublin no less. It was originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness at St. Jame's Gate in Dublin in 1759! 

It had to be done I suppose... :) But I am not going to lie, I didn't finish it. The burnt flavor, which comes from the roasted barley, is quite strong. Not even being a normal beer drinker, this one was a bit much for me. 

Ireland was amazing, and everything I thought it would be. The Temple Bar area is so down to earth, and all the pubs have live music going all evening. The people were carefree, and all very friendly! I sat in the pub for hours just listening to everyone's amazing accent, it was brilliant. I can't wait to go back someday!! 

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Dublin...your pictures take me back! Although it looks like the weather was WAY nicer for you than it was for me. I think I saw a play in that theater, too.

    Sounds like you're having a blast; happy to hear it.

