Sunday, April 11, 2010

A return for me, and a hello for my dad!

After our amazing time in Paris, we fly back to London for our final destination. Although Dad had already spent one day in London, this was the last shot to get in all the sight seeing before he took off the very next day.

The following pictures are a mix between our first day in London, and Dad's last day in London. You can probably tell the first day wasn't as sunny, but we still had fun nonetheless :)

Dad seeing Big Ben for the first time

Dad and the London Eye

Dad in a telephone booth! And its red and cute!!

Inside the British Museum by parts of the Parthenon

If you scroll like 30 blogs past, you can see a photo almost exactly like this one of me! Haha

My favorite sculpture to date.

Dad's jet lag started kicking in, cause he started acting like he was 5 again, but it was hilarious. This is Dad, thinking he looks just like the statue... :)


I promise, I took him out of the museum after this photo :)

Dad's first glance of Dorking! 

The Dorking Cemetary... 

Also, I have a new rule. You can't make fun of the town name until you have visited it. So, Dad, you and I can make fun of it only :)

Dad and the Tower of London

It looks like the smile is killing him

Dad and the Tower Bridge. His first guess was the London Bridge, but he got it right the second time.

Dad and River Thames

Dad and St. Paul's Cathedral. 

Big Ben Take 423958756324

My favorite home away from home

Dad and the Queen (kinda...)

Me at Buckingham Palace 

We watched this guy perform... 

Although I didn't find a vespa, dad found his dream car :)

After our sight seeing in London, we ended the night with an amazing performance of The Lion King. Seriously, I would recommend it to every single person, it was breathtaking. So amazing, and an amazing way to end the night.. 

Well folks, tonight is my last night in London. It is unbelievable that my time here is finished, but I am pretty excited to see family and friends back at home. I will be putting one more post up on my reflection of London in the next couple days, then this trip, and blog, will end. It has been fun :)

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