Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 6 - Florence to Pisa

Today was a day of goodbyes, and a new destination!! 

We woke up, and headed back into Florence for our final sight seeing!! 

We went to this excellent market that seemed to stretch on forever. A lot of the vendors are selling the same items, but all different prices and different variety of the same items. It was repetitive, but still interesting to see all the things made in Italy for sale.

We also went into an amazing little farmer's market area where we captured some "un-American" items for sale
Dan's dream come true in Firenze (Florence)

My dad's (and Dan's) dream come true :) I am just hoping they are going to cook that meat before they eat it. You never know ;)

From the market, we headed back to the hostel to pick up our bags and head to the train station. 
You can sense my excitement about carrying this massive bag all the way to the station. 

Dad looks just as excited about carrying his. At least Jan let him borrow the comfy pillow for his train rides

Dad and I both agree that this is our favorite hostel thus yet. It was more like a hotel, but for cheap ($15 a night!)

We headed to the train station, and got on the train to Pisa!! 

Pisa is a smaller city, but full of amazing buildings. We arrived at the hostel, and dropped the bags off, then took off into the city.

 Literally, when looking out of our hostel window, you can see the tower and the main center of Pisa. 

View from our 2nd story hostel. Its like a block away, so amazing

This is beneath our hostel, a cute little restaurant. 

The magnificent Leaning Tower of Pisa! The tower is officially called the campanile, but more known as the leaning tower of Pisa instead. 

Very excited about seeing the Tower. From this angle, it really doesn't look like it's leaning too much.. Just wait :)

The cathedral right next to the Tower, forming the centerpiece of the Campo's Romanesque trio.

Angle from the bottom.

Dad holding up the Tower for Pisa. Lucky he is here now :)

Attempting to kick over the Tower... Looks more like I am retarded but you get the idea

From the other side of the tower. Take note on the hedges to the left that are straight, and the tower that is leaning, kinda a lot!

Jamie, doing a better job, at holding the tower up. Boy, what would the Pisans do without me?

Crazy people at the top. Dad and I both agreed we would sit this one out, and look from the bottom :)

A typical street in Pisa. Much more calm than Rome and Florence, but also elegant. 

Since arriving in Italy, I cannot explain to you how many scooters I have seen. Dad thinks its hilarious when the lights turn red, all the scooters make their way up to the front of the line. Then, when the light turns green, all the scooters take off in a race-like way. But, I am loving the scooters, and dying to have one. Until then, I have been stealing photos of other people's scooters! 

Vespa's are my thing :) I love them. 
Also a Vespa :) I am going to buy one when I get home, I swear on it! I have already bought a Vespa magnet, and an awesome Vespa shirt! 

Pisa is great, more to come of it tomorrow! 

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