Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 4- Goodbye Rome, Hello Florence!

The Colosseum at night! Dad and I took a late walk to the Colosseum to see it all light up. This image doesn't do it justice, but it was a wonderful sight!

The Colosseum again, with a little bit of flash of the camera. 

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Rome, and take a 4 hour train ride to Florence. We arrived later in the day, so just did a little walking around and then found us some dinner. Normally I wouldn't take a photo of my food, but our dinner was delicious!! 

My penne pasta
Dad's BBQ Burger!

Some sights we saw along our short walk to the hostel

Really cool fountain! 

We then headed back to our hostel, which was massive, and relaxed until falling asleep! It was more or so a traveling day, but exciting nonetheless! 

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