Saturday, April 10, 2010

A little behind... But better late than never, right?

So...Sorry for the delayed posting... After Pisa, our travels were jammed pack every day, and the time to post became less available... But nevertheless, here I am, ready to share the rest of our trip!!

Well, technically speaking, we woke up in Pisa, and had the rest of the day to spend before catching our flight to Paris. However, we quickly realized that there are about 4 things to do in Pisa, and we had already done 5. After a heavy rain storm, and several delayed buses, we finally arrived at the airport and waited until we were in Paris. I think Dad would agree that this was the "slow" day of our trip, and we were both really looking forward to the next day.

That's right folks, we got to Paris. That next morning, we woke up and decided to attend a tour guide around Paris for the morning. The tour guide was amazing, and I learned so much history about Paris through her. It was a 4 hour walk starting at the St. Michel's fountain, and ended near The Arc de Triomphe. The following are pictures from that tour, along with some tid-bits of cool information I learned along the way....

The fountain of St. Michel

Me extremely happy to be having Starbucks. As beautiful as Italy is, it was weird to not be able to order coffee to go. Therefore, the first Starbucks I found, I got one :)

Our first sight of Notre Dame from across the River. 

I felt like the tour guide saw into my soul when she started talking about Shakespeare and Company! Shakespeare & Company is a tiny, but big in heart, bookshop located in the heart of Paris. During 1941, this bookshop was thriving with now-famous poets, such as Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald. On the 2nd floor, hopeful poets, named "tubbleweeds" are allowed to find housing there as long as they work a couple of hours in the shop each day. This bookshop was awesome...

The Notre Dame, and a great shot of our tour guide. She really was good

Me, pretty excited, in front of the Notre Dame

A part of the Palais de Justice. What is really cool about this building is that is it the ONLY building that still have remains of WWII. Those little marks along this building are not just the building getting old. Those are bullet holes! When the Nazi's invaded France, the French rebelled, and these bullet holes are proof of their fight against the Nazi's... This is also the place where Marie Antoinette was imprisoned before being executed. 

This is for the other type of nerds... you know, the ones who love video games! This little tile is a Space Alien, from the video game Space Invaders! This guy in Paris is convinced that aliens are going to take over the world, so he set out around the world to place tiles of Aliens around. This is one along the bridge, and there are hundreds in Paris. If you put each tile and located it on a map, it would create a massive alien on the map of Paris! This guy even put a tile on the "D" of Hollywood, and on the Great Wall of China (it got taken down) 

Pont Neuf (New Bridge) Although it obviously isn't the newest bridge in Paris, at the time it was built, it was the first bridge! 

Cool story about the faces along this bridge. Henry II was asked to build a bridge, but he didn't just want to make it simple. Instead, he held a massive party to show the bridge off, and got everyone at the party beyond belief wasted. Then, he had an artist stop by and draw all of his guests while they were drunk. These faces all show off the artists interpretation of that drunken night. 

If you have seen the Da Vinci Code, you are probably familiar with this name. This is Jacques De Molay's marking, as this is where he was burned at the stake. Jacques was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. As he was burning on the cross in this section, he swore that the Pope and King would die within a year. They both did!

This is Henry IV. The French really like him

The Musee Du Louvre!! 

Crossing the Seine


So does Dad :)

This was adorable. All of these locks on this bridge symbolize lovers. The saying goes that a couple will come on this bridge, connect the lock to this bridge, and together throw the key into the river. How Cute?

Another view of the Louvre. If you haven't been, it is beyond huge... Beyond

Believe me, I saw this look a lot. 

Felt like I was in the Da Vinci Code. :)

Paris Streets are scary

Literally my first sight of the Eiffel Tower. My heart starting beating fast from this point on.

This is the beginning of the Jardin Des Tuileries, the Gardens of the Tuileries Palace. This palace no longer exists, as it was destroyed in 1871. But the gardens are lovely. 

Take note of that tiny little thing in the distance :)

Getting closer, and more excited :)

Me..... VERY excited to be this close to the Eiffel Tower

I had to do it... 

This is the Luxor obelisk in the center of the place. It is an Egyptian obelisk decorated with hieroglyphics exclaiming the reign of Ramses II. (P.s. the same Ramses that I have a picture with from the British Museum ;)
The Egyptian government gave it to the French in the 19th century. 

Getting excited about going into the Louvre!!

Dad, trying to look happy about going into the Louvre

At the end of the tour, Dad and I headed inside the Louvre!! I have tons of picture, but I will only put my highlights up so I don't bore you! 

A lot of you know my dream job would be to work in the Library of Congress, but this has got to be a close second. Working in the Louvre?!?

The Dying Slave by Michelangelo


The Code of Hammurabi... Literally, one of the oldest documents in the world

We knew it was about time to head out of the Lourve when Dad and I started re-acting out the statues moves...

The Louvre, you were amazing...

From the Louvre, we took off towards the Arc de Triomphe. For future Paris visitors, it looks closer than it is... It was a long walk, but worth it

Dad looking a little excited about the walk

Napoleon's Tomb... 

Finally, the Arc de Triomphe!

Surrounding the Arc is the biggest round-a-bout in the world! It has over 12 lanes, with no directions or rules. Insurances in Paris will not cover any accidents in this round-a-bout, all accidents are 50-50 no matter what. It is said that there is about 3 accidents an hour in this round-a-bout

The middle of the Arc, and all the traffic flying by Dad!

Yep, found another Vespa!! 

From the Arc, we walked (another long walk) to the Eiffel Tower!!

Dad in front of the Tower

Me in front of the Tower. What is awesome is that in this very picture, and for about a year now, I have been wearing a necklace my dad got me that is a charm of the tower. Means so much more to me now :)

Goodbye Tower, for now... 

Day 2 in Paris!!

On our second day in Paris, we took a spur of the moment decision to Disneyland Paris! Dad brought it up the day before we arrived in Paris, and we went for it and bought the tickets! What a treat, to be in one of the most American places, but hearing French everywhere (along with like 10 other languages) It was very fun, and from the pictures, I think you can tell what a great day it was

No, we are not in California kids... Its PARIS!

My English guide to the park, thank goodness!!

The Paris version of the Castle...

Dad having fun as well!

I am in Disneyland Paris!!

Notice the French, how cool?!

Figured it IS a "small world" after all :)

Almost looks like home to me now

Got to give Dad the credit on this ride. He smoked me, almost doubled my score...

Best photo of the trip!

Alright, so it isn't a vespa... but close!

Couldn't have said it better myself

Dad found his dream ride...

I love Disneyland Paris

Day 3 in Paris!!

On our third, and final day in Paris, we took a stroll to Montmarte. Montmarte is a hill that is the highest point in Paris. Many artists had studios in Montmarte, including Salvador Dali, Monet, Picasso, van Gogh!

The view from the top!

The Basilica of the Sacre Coeur. Remember when I told you to remember that tiny image in that previous picture. Well, here is it all blown up for you :)

The streets were full of stores, galleries, and weird people...

Goodbye Paris... You treated us well :)

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