Monday, March 29, 2010

Rome- Day 1!

Our first thoughts in Rome, Italy... My dad, stoked to have found Coke. Me, overwhelmed and a little nervous from having driven like 80mph all the way to our hostel. (Literally down the middle of 2 roads!)

We took off from London this morning at 5am (!) and headed straight to Rome. We arrived off the plane around 10:30, and took a psycho shuttle bus to our hostel. We decided to spend the day walking around and taking in all of Rome. We spent about 5 hours walking around the majority of Rome, and it was amazing! Here are some great photos we captured along the way:

Typical Street in Rome

The Gardens near Colosseum!

Dad in front of the Colosseum! This was our first sight as we walked into Rome!

Me and my dream sight: The Colosseum!

The Arc of Costantino :)

Spring has arrived in Rome! 

Me and a whole bunch of other tourists in front of the Roman Ruins

Dad, just a little excited, and I taking a break by the gardens. 

The Vittoriano

The tomb of the unknown soldier. I have known seen three of these: DC, London, and Rome! 

My favorite picture of my Dad. He is totally taking down Rome! 

Dad and I hanging out at the top!

Amazing clear day today!!

The Trevi Fountain!! We literally ran into this fountain! Over 3,000 Euros are thrown into this fountain a day!!

Dad and I in front of the Colosseum!!

My dad's dream street. It is unbelievable how many scooters and bikes are around in Rome! 

Living the dream in Rome

My dad looking like a stud at the Colosseum

We finished the night off right with a delicious dinner. We stopped by a great bakery place on the way back home, and split all of these!! Delicious!

More to come soon!! 

1 comment:

  1. Aha! So it IS true!!! They do drive like maniacs in Italy!!!! I hope you survive. lol :P LOVING the pics!!! It looks like you are having an incredible time. I'm so pumped for you! Soak it up! ;)
