Saturday, March 27, 2010

Last Day at Box Hill School and a fun day in London

Well, my last day at Box Hill has arrived, and it was a very bittersweet moment. I said goodbye to all my students as well as all of the teachers and staff. 

I am really going to miss Box Hill. They have been so kind to me during my stay. 

The courtyard

The reading room and walkway to the classrooms


I love Box Hill School!!


Box Hill School,  you have been great! 

On my first day free of student teaching, I took off to Hampton Court, where Henry VIII lived!
The main corridor

Me eating my Cadbury egg while entering the Hampton Court!

The Tudor kitchens

Henry's table :)

The courtyard :)

This staircase was amazing!! 

Isn't that breathtaking! Please take note of the crown!

One of the tapestries owned by Queen Mary

These horses freaked out about .34 seconds after I took this picture. You can start to see the woman in the corner going crazy cause her children were in the cart still. 

View from the gardens

It was a little cloudy, but managed to be a successful day! 

No really, this is the most famous Maze in the history of the world!! haha

Entrance of Hampton Court Palace

I love Henry VII's gardens!!

Oops... Don't fall in! 

Here is my favorite king, Henry VII, who came to visit  me!!

And of course, I needed a picture!!

And I think he liked me too, cause he gave me a collector coin with his face on it!!

Then, I witnessed the evidence that Spring has arrived!!

I love England streets!!

From Hampton Court Palace, we headed into London and had an amazing Italian dinner. Then, we headed to the Museum of London :)

I just met this guy! Cool!! 

I love the City of London!! 

Well, tomorrow I take off for my big trip to Italy, France, and England. I am picking my dad up tomorrow at 11am, and I will keep you updated asap!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww!!!! Adorable! Have an absolute blast on your trip!!!!! :D :D :D
