Sunday, March 14, 2010

God Save the Queen!

My Saturday consisted of a trip not familiar with the American culture... I went to go see the Queen's house at Windsor Castle! 

The Queen stays at Windsor Castle during the weekends, and her flag was flying high, a message to all that the Queen is present! 

The walk around the Castle was amazing, it is massive. Unlike the tower, the outer wall of the Castle is much higher to protect the Queen. You could see instantly why they built the castle here. Its location on top of a hill and visible on all location prevents any surprises from intruders.

Finally making our way to the front of Windsor. The signs in England crack me up, there are so many options! 

Please note the adorable old men resting in front of the Castle... 

The main entrance to Windsor Castle, with a sculpture of the Queen. The Queen is wearing her crown, as well as holding her Sceptre. I saw both of the real things at the Tower of London!

The main gate. If you look closely, you can see the exquisite details of the castle. On top of the light fixtures are mini-crowns.

Walking up to the Queen's Quarter

The Queen's garden! I could even see some blooming flowers and plants. Hello Spring!

After walking along the outer wall of the Castle, we made our way to St. George's Chapel. Along with being the Queen's chapel that she attends, this Chapel holds more history than my little heart could take! 
Inside of this chapel, several historical figures are buried. The present Queen's mother and father have their gravestones here, along with their private room for memorial. 

Spending time in England has given me a new interest; reading novels set during the 16th century about British Royalty. I just finished reading The Other Boleyn Girl, which was an excellent novel about Henry VIII time on the throne. Henry VIII was responsible for the split of England from the Catholic Church, and he became Head of the Church of England. He was also famous for having 6 wives, 2 of which he had beheaded. After divorcing Catherine of Aragon, the King married Anne Boleyn. However, once worried that she wouldn't be able to bring a son to the throne, he had her beheaded for witchcraft and adultery. Henry then married Jane Seymour, his 3rd and favorite wife, whom of which he is buried next to in this very chapel. 

Along with the Queen's parents, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, other historical figures are buried here. King Edward IV, King Henry VI, Queen Elizabeth, King Edward VII, King Charles I, and several Princes and Princess. Along with being a place of worship, it is the chapel of the Order of the Garter, which is the society of knights. The amount of history in this chapel is ridiculous; my craving for history was over-flowing here at Windsor! 

After leaving the Chapel, we found a guard protecting the Castle. Although I was planning on getting as close as I could to the guard, he terrified me! He had a massive spear attached to the top of his gun, and his face didn't show any interest of me getting close. Although I am sure he is used to people all over him, I stayed back :) This is the result of my fear:
It was as close as I was going to get. Do me a favor, click on this photo to enlarge it, and take a look at that knife of top of his gun! You wouldn't have gotten close either!!

This area is the Queen's Quarters, the Upper Ward where only guests of the Queen are allowed. It is an amazing view though! 

The guards 

This is the view the Queen gets on a daily basis, from the top of the Castle. The water you are seeing is the Thames River, which is the same River going through London and by the Tower of London!

You may not be able to see it, but this has a sign that states: Windsor Royal Shopping :)

After walking around town, we made our way down to the Thames River, where I excitedly got to feed some swans and ducks! So fun 

Another great day out in England! 

This trip was another great day to add to my week. On Wednesday, I got asked to chaperone students to a play in London. We headed out after school, and went to see "A Woman in Black." It was terrifying, but an excellent play! Then, on Thursday, I was able to attend Year 8's Parents Evening, and was able to tell some parents how much I enjoyed their kids in my class! Finally, on Friday I was a leader on a field trip to the Tower of London with Year 7's. Year 7 is my favorite year, and I had some great students in my group! Although rainy, the Tower of London was a great success with the kids. Then Saturday, Windsor Castle.... Needless to say, I had a tiring, but thrilling week!!

Next week is my last full weekend in England, for the weekend after my dad will be arriving and we will be taking off to Rome!! 

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