Monday, March 8, 2010

Canterbury Tales...

This weekend I headed off for Canterbury!! 
Although it felt like it was -45 C, I made the 2-hour journey to see Canterbury on Saturday morning. Upon arriving, we immediately were introduced to Canterbury wind... 

Here I am, literally freezing in front of the Canterbury Wall. This wall covers the main city, and was built around the 1500's! 

More of the wall, we walked it all the way around, was very cool!

This was very cool for me being a huge history buff! This is called the Dane John Garden, and the giant mound was a burial ground for Romans! At the very top is a memorial for those who lost their life in Canterbury during this time.

This is "The Old Weavers House" which was built in 1500 AD!! 

Next to the Weavers house is the Great Stour River, going right through Canterbury

Me, still freezing, on a section of the Canterbury Wall :)

The Canterbury Cathedral! 

Beautiful, yea? It's cool to look back at Bath's cathedral, and notice the similarities between the two. 

The tower of St. George's Church where Marlowe was baptised.

Me captured in the Canterbury Castle.... :(

Alright, not really... But the castle was amazing! It was just open to the public to roam around. What is amazing is to look at images of what the castle supposedly looked like during 1200 AD, and to see what remains today. Only about one side of the wall is intact, while the others have lost sections on the inside and outside. 

Me sitting on the outside of the Canterbury Castle.

Me taking in Canterbury! 

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