Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 2- All roads lead to Rome

Father and Daughter at the Vatican City!! 

Today was a long day in Rome! Although we meant to wake up around 7:30, a wake up call from a fellow roommate went off at about 6:40 instead, waking us all up. We rolled around for a bit, then woke up and skyped a little before heading out into the city. We had planned on heading straight to the Vatican City on the metro, and hopefully beating some of the lines..... which is hilarious because we ended up waiting in about a 2 hour line to get into the Museums. However, it was lovely, and the museum was amazing. Here are the highlights:

Dad excited (but tired of waiting in line) for the Vatican Museum

Jamie (less excited, more tired) waiting in line

And we are in! Score!!

The Vatican Museums are amazing on the inside. 

Cool globe that turns outside in the courtyard

Me in the Egyptian room

Amazing hieroglyphics from Ancient Egypt


Can't decide who is more intimidating...

From the Egyptian room, we moved into the Ancient Rome sculptures

Look at how long the rooms are, it is breathtaking 

Me... Very very excited

Dad, also very very excited

Do they not look exactly the same... This made me laugh for like 20 minutes... 

Wha' happened? Head on top, foot on bottom...

Just trying to fit in... 

He is much better at it than I

Um, I have no explanation for this...

The symmetry makes me little OCD heart have butterflies

Dad thought I looked like her...

I think he looked like this guy :)

Still a little hard to believe I am here... 


Of course, the best parts of the Vatican... The ceilings

Also note the massive crack going through the middle of this painting

Michelangelo's unfinished (and destroyed) sculpture

My dad and I acting really mature....as usual... Who let us go to Rome alone together?


Splish, Splash, I was taking a bath!! What? Just taking a bath in the Vatican city?

Amazing photo of the ceiling my dad captured

I can see someone's crack...

Does it get any better than this?...

Amazing dome right next to the Sistine Chapel

I swear, from my own camera. But if the Italian police ask, I have no idea where this came from.... 

I think this is my favorite photo of the day. Wasn't supposed to be taking pictures, but thank goodness I did ;)

My hair (or herrrr for those with slang) is all a mess, but loving Rome!!

Stud in front of the Vatican Museum

This crow was literally attacking this gull on top of this statue. Wish you could have been there..

My first set of nuns I saw in Rome

From here we left Vatican City, and made our way literally all around Rome. Some highlights were:

The bridge across the Fiume Tevere

The Piazza Augusto

Holding the Piazza del Quirinale

The Spanish Steps!!

Jamie in front of the Spanish steps!!

The Saint Maria Maggiore Cathedral...

We finally made our way back to our hostel, after about 6 hours of walking around Rome. The Vatican City was amazing, as well everything else we saw today

Tomorrow Agenda: Colosseum, Campidolgio, Foro Romano, Palantine, and the Pathenon!! 

Love you all!!